We’re a SEO Agency That’s Not Too Fond Of Long-term Contracts

Our SEO agency works a bit differently than what you may be used to. No more monthly tariffs where you don’t know what is being done and why. No more excuses about SEO being a “constant process”.

We work in short-term intensive “sprints” that give your website only what it really needs. You can increase your sales even without long-term contracts.

In 2022 alone, the volume of online sales in the Czech Republic increased by 14% compared to the previous year

The trends are clear. The importance of e-commerce is growing – and with it the importance of internet marketing. It would be a mistake not to take advantage of it.

It is precisely SEO that will bring you a long-term increase in website traffic. And what’s more – it can turn these visitors into paying customers.

Reach out to clients from your target group who until now were heading to your competitors’ sites. Convince them to purchase or order from you instead..

Are you looking for qualified SEO advice? Or precisely targeted, on-point online advertising that delivers measurable results in a short time? Then we’ll get along just fine.

Optimalizace pro vyhledávače

Looking For A SEO Agency That Sprints Instead Of Walking?

Sprint is a method that distinguishes the way we do SEO from other agencies.

In most of them, they will tell you that SEO is a long-term process and make you sign a long-term SEO contract with regular monthly fees. The actual amount of work done during such a month may be minimal.

Sure, when talking about SEO, we cannot avoid stating the fact that it is a long-term process.

But a large part of the work that constitutes SEO consists of one-time actions.

The long term part is just waiting for the changes in search results and traffic to start making a difference. But you do not have to pay us to wait.

Our SEO services are concentrated in so-called “Sprints”. These are a combination of our technical know-how and a specific, carefully focused work.

Where other agencies SEO could take 12 months, we can do the same work in 12 weeks. Why should you pay a whole year for something that can be done in a quarter of the time?

Presenting 3 Types of Sprints
Individual SEO Services Tailored For a Specific Purpose

Let’s discuss your project together. Find out how our SEO promotion method can apply to your website. You’re invited to a 1 on 1 free consultation with our SEO specialist!

How Can Cooperation With a Best SEO Agency Pay Out?

You can find out in the following case studies. Learn in detail about the work our SEO agency has done on client projects. And get a better idea of what results can a proper search engine optimization bring.

Some Of The Clients We’ve Helped Achieve Results Before

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How Do We Proceed With SEO?

Strategic Sprint

We start with an in-depth analysis of the data collected from your website with a specialized set of tools at our disposal. The purpose of site analysis is to detect any technical errors that your website may have. We’ll also set up performance metrics for your site in order to have a reference for evaluating the success of your search engine optimization.

We’ll also analyze your competition and industry and find out which of your competitors are leading the search results for your keywords. Subsequently, we do a reverse analysis, during which we find out how exactly did the most successful of them promote their e-shop, company website or other pages.

We’ll conduct a custom site quality audit to diagnose technical obstacles, poor quality content, and other factors that prevent your site from performing better.

We’ll present the results of this sprint to you in the form of a clear action plan for optimizing your pages. You will know exactly which SEO tasks will in your case lead to improved positions in search engines and increase the ability of your website to bring you profit.

Správa webových stránek

Content Sprint

Its basis is a keyword analysis, which will help us detect the so-called gaps in your keywords. We have our own keyword research tool at our disposal that compares yours and your competitors’ keywords against each other. This way, we discover where there is still untapped potential for your website. The newfound keywords are used to generate topics for content creation.

Equipped with the knowledge gained from keyword analysis, we can identify new topics that would be good to create content around, which will bring you more organic traffic.

We’ll develop a content creation calendar where you’ll find these topics summarized together with additional information (keywords, competition, backlinks…).

We aim for brevity, but at the same time we want you to have everything you need for content creation and copywriting that will ensure a natural increase in positions and traffic. For each page, you will receive a document containing a group of keywords and describing how to optimize the content so that the page starts steamrolling the others in the search engines.

Link Sprint

At the beginning of this SEO sprint, we first examine the past of your site to make sure that it does not have a history of penalties or broken links that would reduce the effect of search engine optimization. We also analyze the link profile of your competition.

We search across the Internet for authority sites to which we could place a link to yours.

We’ll personally contact the operators of these websites and negotiate the placement of the link (usually in the form of articles written by us and containing the link). All communication and placement processes will be handled by our agency.

You can track the links through your personal client portal. The price of the link is fixed and includes the cost of writing the article that will contain the link, as well as its placement.

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How Much For A Ticket To The TOP - The Prices Of Our SEO Agency

The price of SEO varies according to a lot of factors that are impossible to know in advance. Therefore, it is best to get to know you and your project at the first consultation and discuss everything together in detail.

One thing is certain, though – this first consultation is always completely free!


Our Sprints are concentrated works on one of the main pillars of the SEO campaign. Instead of dragging out SEO tasks such as the preparation of a content plan or subsequent writing of texts for many months, we “sprint” them out in a few weeks.

No. All the sprints of our SEO agency are over in a matter of weeks. The only thing long-term are their results. But you don’t have to pay us while you wait for those.

Each SEO sprint is designed as a separate service. Naturally, if you want to achieve maximum content coverage or you require a comprehensive e-shop optimization, you will probably need to order additional sprints. Most clients also resort to this solution.

That depends on the current position of your site, its performance and also your budget. Most clients order around 5-6 sprints a year from us for their SEO purposes. We will be happy to discuss with you how many and which sprints you will need during our consultation.

We determine the price of sprints according to the needs of your project, the level of competition, the current state of the site and other SEO factors. The price of a strategic SEO sprint, which usually starts our cooperation, is determined by the number of URLs on your website.

What does your website need to come alive in search engines?

A few technical tweaks, compelling copy, more backlinks? We’ll begin finding out right after our first consultation. Book it now!

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