SEO agency in Prague

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Topranker is an SEO agency that works using the sprint method.

This means that with us, you pay for results, not for many months of waiting for changes.

What others do in 12 months, we do in 12 weeks.

How can we help your business?
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How does the sprint method work in SEO?

We used to promote websites like any other agency. We signed long-term contracts with monthly payments.

After all, SEO is a long-term process.

Then we realized that the longest part of the entire promotion is waiting for the website’s position to change in search results.


So we thought: Why should clients pay for waiting?

This is how Topranker’s sprint method was born—a method of specific actions that bring our clients specific results.

In 12 weeks, we achieve what other SEO agencies do in a year.

You pay only for specific actions that deliver concrete results for your website.
Your revenue can be increased without long-term contracts.

Presenting 3 Types of Sprints
Individual SEO Services Tailored For a Specific Purpose

Strategic Sprint

A sprint aimed at identifying and correcting technical shortcomings of the website and formulating a plan for further SEO growth.

Deliverables:  Website quality analysis + SEO plan

Delivery time:  2-3 weeks

Result: Outlined tasks that will bring you increased traffic

Content Sprint

Its purpose is to identify keywords for content creation and comprehensive page optimization. We aim to cover both the top and bottom stages of the marketing funnel.

Deliverables: Content topic proposals, content table, content guidelines

Delivery time: 1-2 weeks. Min. 10 items

Result: Plan for at least 10 blog articles/commercial pages

Link Sprint

Focused on obtaining high-authority backlinks from relevant websites.

Deliverables: 10 tailored authority links

Delivery time: 3-4 weeks. Min. 10 items

Result: At least 10 written and published PR articles that support important pages of your website

How Can Cooperation With a Best SEO Agency Pay Out?

Let’s discuss your project together

Find out how our SEO promotion method can apply to your website. You’re invited to a 1 on 1 free consultation with our SEO specialist!

Some Of The Clients We’ve Helped Achieve Results Before

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About Us

We’ve been dedicated to website promotion for 8 years. During this time, we’ve experimented with various methods.

And we’ve found an approach that works best for us and our clients. Most importantly, it’s fundamentally different from everything else available in the SEO agency market today.

The key difference between us and others is that we charge only for our actions and work.

In SEO, the longest part of the process is waiting for changes in search results. And we believe you shouldn’t have to pay for that.

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What does your website need to come alive in search engines?

A few technical tweaks, compelling copy, more backlinks? We’ll begin finding out right after our first consultation. Book it now!

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