Case study: Massage salon in Prague. Increasing search engine traffic by 375% in 7 months

The owner of the erotic massage salon wished to increase the number of orders gained via search engines. The salon’s website hasn’t been optimised for search engines at all. What made this project interesting was the fact that we’ve basically built it from scratch. 

The initial state of the website

  • The website has existed on this domain for more than 1 year.
  • Organic traffic: 723 unique visitors per month.
  • The whole website concept wasn’t suitable for conversion.
  • Slow webpage loading.
  • Completely missing meta tags.
  • Substandard texts: 500 characters per page, low quality, overloaded with keywords.
  • Missing graphic content (images, photos, videos…).
  • Only one entry page for all queries.
  • There was no tool for conversion measurement, and therefore no way to determine the return of investment into propagation.
  • The website was practically missing anything which would help to increase conversion rate (call to action content, effective buttons etc.).
  • Rich snippets and generally anything to encourage on clicking on search result was missing.
  • The headlines on the page usually consisted of massage type name only.
  • Internal links were missing.
  • Duplicate, technical and other redundant pages were indexed by search engines.
  • There were many mistakes in terms of user-friendly.
  • The website had practically no backlinks, and those it had were of low-quality, if not an outright spam.
  • The website had 3 language versions – EN, CZ and RU.

Our work on the website

  • We did a keyword analysis in all the language versions. In the end we decided to keep only the Czech and English versions of the website, since there were very few frequent questions in the Russian language.
  • We’ve created a website structure based on the keywords analysis. With the keywords in mind, we’ve overwritten all the texts on the website and proceeded to write more optimised texts for the newly created web pages, which were initially missing.
  • We’ve written optimised and attractive meta tags.
  • We’ve correctly set the browser cache saving and also removed anything which needlessly slowed down webpage loading.
  • We’ve optimised all the images
  • We’ve added additional graphic content on the website and made sure it was better structured (benefit summary and other summaries / lists; transparency of important information and its logical succession, etc.).
  • We’ve implemented an online chat feature with an automatic trigger, which helped to increase the numbers of orders.
  • We’ve set up the monitoring of the users’ target interaction.
  • We’ve added Rich snippets to increase the click-through rate on Google.
  • We’ve tweaked the internal links so that they’d refer primarily to the most important pages.
  • We’ve prevented redundant pages from being indexed and excluded them from internal linking.
  • We’ve analysed the client’s competition and implemented a functionality that the client would find interesting and useful.
  • We’ve filled in and optimised our client’s profile on GoogleMyBusiness, since it’s an important element in this branch of business.
  • Based on the informational keywords we’ve created a plan for publishing articles about erotic massages.
  • Fort the purpose of increasing conversion, we’ve insisted on creating videos and new photos to be added to the website.
  • We’ve created a webpage showing the salon interior photos, so that the establishment would appear more serious and trustworthy and its web had a higher conversion potential.
Want to promote your erotic business online tastefully but effectively?
Let us advise you on how to maximize the orders on your website.


After analysing the link profile of our client’s website, we found out that all the current links are not effective. The pages at which the links to our client’s website were placed have all been of low quality. We got rid of all those links. Furthermore:

  • We’ve created a list of relevant topics on forums suitable for commenting and linking to the client’s website
  • We’ve also compiled a list of authoritative, thematic webpages, from which it would be suitable to linkbuilding as well.
  • We’ve found the most interesting links in the link profile of our client’s competition and managed to gain them as well.

In the first graph shown below we can see the gradual growth of organic traffic to the website, while the second graph shows website visibility when searching for individual keywords (data taken from Ahrefs):Case study: Massage salon in Prague. Increasing search engine traffic by 375% in 7 months obrázek 1

These two graphs indicate the growth of domains and pages linking to the client’s website (data taken from Ahrefs):

Case study: Massage salon in Prague. Increasing search engine traffic by 375% in 7 months obrázek 3

The result

By 31. 10. 2018 the organic traffic on the website reached 3437 people during the past month. This makes for a 375% growth thanks to the 7 months of our SEO administration.

Case study: Massage salon in Prague. Increasing search engine traffic by 375% in 7 months obrázek 5

The graphs shown below comes from Almost all of the website traffic comes (nearly 81 %) comes from the search engines:

Case study: Massage salon in Prague. Increasing search engine traffic by 375% in 7 months obrázek 7

To do business in the adult niche, having a website that inspires trust is a must.
Let’s talk about how to set up and promote such a website.

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