Let us introduce you to a strategy for increasing traffic and orders from your site.

What Will We Discuss Together?

I’ll be glad to offer you a non-binding, free consultation through a video call.

During the consultation, we will discuss your project, its goals and challenges it faces – and the ways SEO can help.

At the end of our consultation, the following three points will be clear:

The SEO health of your web

We’ll take a preliminary look at the current SEO performance of your website

Possible opportunities for growth

We’ll discuss some simple adjustments that can be done right now to bring results

Which results to expect

We’ll make an assessment of what will be needed to fulfill the goals of your project and how long will it take

Read More About The Way We Work

Who Are Our Clients?

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Sprints are clearly defined sets of work focused on a specific part of the overall SEO campaign. We offer sprints for SEO strategy planning, content creation and link building, always tailored to a given project. The purpose of sprints is to do a particular work in a short amount of time, with the purpose of bringing maximum benefits to your website. You can order any number of sprints as needed, but we will not bind you to any long-term contract.

No, this method of cooperation turned out to be unsuitable for us in the end. The monthly budgets of long-term contracts often do not always allow doing the work that is most needed at the moment. Plus, they have a number of other disadvantages when compared to a sprint solution.

Yes, but even that should not be a reason for a long-term SEO contract. For example, if you want to expand the content of your website even more or build more backlinks, you can simply order another specific, tailored sprint.

That differs for each website. We need to know its current state and SEO performance in order to more accurately determine how many and which sprints will be needed. On average, a client orders 5-6 sprints per year from us.

The price of a strategic sprint is influenced by factors such as the size of your website and the level of competition. In the case of content or link sprints, the number of content tasks/links you order is the deciding factor.

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