Link Sprint

Our link sprint will secure you backlinks from high authority sites. This will help strengthen the authority and credibility of your own page in Google and boost your traffic.

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Analýza klíčových slov
The link sprint of our SEO agency consists of:

Building backlinks plays an important role in SEO.

Without them, you lose the opportunity to occupy better positions in search engines, thus losing potential traffic and profit. Book a consultation with us and let us introduce you to a sprint solution tailored to your project.

4 Phases Of Our Link Sprint

Link profile analysis
We check if your site has not been penalized in the past and doesn’t have links that do more harm than good. We also analyze your competitors’ links and find out what they are doing well.

Searching for link opportunities
We are looking for topically appropriate websites with high authority to link to your website.

Reaching out to these websites
We will take care of all the communication with the website owners with the goal of placing your link on these authority websites.

Securing a link for you
We will ensure the creation of the text containing the link and its placement after reaching an agreement with the website owner. For maximum results, we also create the so-called second-tier links, i.e. additional links to the original link to your website. This way, the original link is strengthened even more.

You can continuously monitor the status of your links through a private client portal that we will set up for you. The price per link is fixed and includes all the work mentioned above.

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How Much Will Quality Backlinks Cost You?

Price includes all the assorted work on links. By ordering a larger number of links, you are eligible for more favorable price offers. Link building itself can be spread over several months.

Link building is one of the pillars of SEO. Without it, your website will never reach its full traffic and profitability potential. Find out how a link sprint solution can bring you more orders and sales online! Our first consultation costs nothing.

Don't Forget To Check Out Our Case Studies

These Clients Can Vouch For Us

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Frequently Asked Questions
Our sprints are laser-focused, intensive works on one of the main stages of a SEO campaign. Their goal is to perform important tasks on your website as quickly as possible and in one go. You don’t pay for unnecessary waiting for the results – even though the actual work has been done long ago.

No. We complete our sprints in a matter of weeks. No long-term contracts are necessary.

Not within the particular sprint. Each sprint is a separate SEO service. However, almost all clients order a new sprint after the previous one ends, if they, for example, want even more backlinks, wish to improve their SEO texts, or need SEO advice.

We won’t know until we get acquainted with your project, website and links. Most clients are satisfied with about 5-6 sprints per year. We will discuss the appropriate number of sprints for you as part of our joint SEO consultation.

You always pay a fixed price for one link, with the minimum of at least 10 ordered links. We can offer you interesting discounts for larger orders.

We will find you the most suitable pages to place a backlink

You will start occupying TOP positions as quickly as possible and reap results in the form of higher traffic and sales. Book a free consultation with us and find out how this sprint can benefit your project.

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