Laser Hair Removal Clinic - How to increase monthly site traffic from 154 to 1842 visitors

See how our SEO agency helped to increase traffic to a laser hair removal clinic website. And helped it rank high in search engines for important keywords.

Our Client

The client is a provider of a wide range of plastic surgery services and aesthetic procedures, including laser hair removal.

In order to promote this ‌ service, he created a web whose task is to highlight the advantages of the laser hair removal offered, and to compel visitors to place an order.

Since the site was struggling with low organic traffic (initially only 154 visits per month), as well as with low visibility in search engines, the client improved their online advertising with the help of our SEO services.

The goal was clear – to make the pages more visible in search engines, increase their organic traffic and motivate visitors to order.

Our Plan

  • The basis of effective SEO is a thorough analysis of the website, reviewing its technical optimization and content quality. From it, it is possible to develop a roadmap for further work, which will help us decide what to prioritize when creating content and building links.
  • In this particular case, it was quite clear to us what the client’s website will need most to succeed – the creation of multiple conversion landing pages for each of the offered types of laser hair removal.
  • It is also extremely important to build a robust link profile to strengthen the authority of such created pages.
  • For each of these phases – strategic planning, content creation and backlink creation – we have designed specific “sprints” – sets of tasks covering a certain stage of a SEO campaign. Always tailored to the needs of a specific site.
  • We presented our proposal to the client – to first develop an initial strategy and follow it up with other sprints to cover the entire SEO process. The client approved our proposal and the SEO price of the entire project and we were able to get to work.
Don't like wasting time? Want to see demonstrable results?

Then you will like our sprint method. No long-term SEO contracts, just a clear, point-by-point plan, leading to more orders from your site. Let’s talk more at our first consultation.

How Did We Proceed

Strategic Sprint

Initial analysis

Under the sprint method, we began our work with a Strategic Sprint. In doing so, we first evaluated the technical condition and architecture of the site, looked at the keywords used, reviewed the content and page performance. We also found out how they stack up against competing sites in these respects. Thanks to this, we got a better idea of where the main shortcomings of the client’s web are.

Getting rid of technical deficiencies

The first analysis also revealed some technical obstacles that prevented the site from achieving better performance. These obstacles were removed.

Preparing the plan

Once we had the relevant analytical data at hand, we could draw up a plan for further optimization of the website that will result in higher traffic and orders. We presented the plan to the client and got the green light from him to implement it.

Content Sprint

Content analysis

We checked whether the content of the pages met all requirements in terms of navigability, persuasiveness, appropriately chosen format, internal links, etc. We also analyzed ‌keywords on the pages.

Keyword analysis

We compared the keywords on the client’s website and those of his competitors and found out which keywords the client’s site was missing – and which could bring them more visitors from their target audience.

Developing a content strategy

We made a content creation plan based on keyword analysis. Such a plan serves us as a guide to what content, in which form and when to create.

Content creation

We rounded off the content sprint by creating suitable texts and content to reach potential customers at different stages of the sales funnel. We put a lot of emphasis on optimizing landing pages for different types of laser hair removal.

We repeated the content sprint several times with the goal of covering as many of these landing pages as possible. Subsequently, we switched to covering information queries via the creation of blog pages. We have thereby strengthened the commercial pages even more.

Are you also striving to increase organic traffic, improve your positions in search engines and boost your sales online?

Get in touch with us! Book a free half-hour consultation with us and we’ll discuss the way our sprints can help your site too!

Link Sprint

Getting authority backlinks

For the effective promotion of the created content, we got for the client several backlinks from authority sites. We have written readable, informative articles containing the relevant link. Subsequently, we arranged their placement after reaching an agreement with the owners of these sites. This significantly strengthened the authority of our client’s web.

The content sprint was also repeated to support important pages until they reached the TOP.

The Results

Our work soon brought success, which kept only growing with passaging time, as evidenced by the data below. The client himself was very satisfied with the results.

A dynamic growth of referring domains according to Ahrefs

Laser Hair Removal Clinic - How to increase monthly site traffic from 154 to 1842 visitors obrázek 1 The screenshot from Ahrefs shows the rise of referring domains. Smooth growth dynamics definitely had a positive impact on the overall result. Resulting positions measured by the Collabim tool Laser Hair Removal Clinic - How to increase monthly site traffic from 154 to 1842 visitors obrázek 3 Below you can see the gradual growth of positions in Google and their distribution, as measured by the Collabim tool. Laser Hair Removal Clinic - How to increase monthly site traffic from 154 to 1842 visitors obrázek 5 This is how the situation looked like with regard to keywords on Google and the distribution of positions within our semantic core over time. This is how the growth of positions and their distribution within the semantic core in Seznam looked like (data from Collabim). Laser Hair Removal Clinic - How to increase monthly site traffic from 154 to 1842 visitors obrázek 7 We also put the work into the so-called featured snippets to make the website more visible in the search results. Laser Hair Removal Clinic - How to increase monthly site traffic from 154 to 1842 visitors obrázek 9 This is how organic traffic developed (data from Google Analytics). Laser Hair Removal Clinic - How to increase monthly site traffic from 154 to 1842 visitors obrázek 11 The situation of keywords on Google looked like this in a year-on-year comparison Laser Hair Removal Clinic - How to increase monthly site traffic from 154 to 1842 visitors obrázek 13 Another example of featured snippets in search results Laser Hair Removal Clinic - How to increase monthly site traffic from 154 to 1842 visitors obrázek 15 Screenshot of the keyword positions taken from Ahrefs Laser Hair Removal Clinic - How to increase monthly site traffic from 154 to 1842 visitors obrázek 17 The development of organic traffic according to Ahrefs. Laser Hair Removal Clinic - How to increase monthly site traffic from 154 to 1842 visitors obrázek 19
How about we repeat a similar success on your website?

Let’s find out what exactly is stopping your site from attracting visitors and generating more sales. Start with a free consultation and then decide for yourself if our cooperation will be worth it!

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