Case study: Permanent make-up studio in Prague. Increasing search engine traffic from 43 to 6685 people per month

A permanent make-up studio in Prague needed to attract customers via the internet. For this purpose, we’ve first created a website at the address and immediately started with its propagation. The result of 6685 visits per month has been achieved within 14 month of SEO management with the lowest possible budget.

The initial website indicators

Both the website and its domain were brand new. At first, the initial traffic was only 43 visitor per month, coming directly from search engines. The website originally contained only basic pages, listing the services offered by the studio.

Our work on the website

After a comprehensive SEO analysis, we’ve put together a plan of all the subsequent works on the website, as well as a content and linkbuilding strategy.

  • We’ve added new commercial pages based on the keyword analysis.
  • We’ve improved the meta tags, while also working on the headings.
  • We’ve started writing blog articles based on the customers’ information queries.
  • We’ve added a chat feature on the site for the purpose of consultation and conversion increase.
  • We’ve filled out and optimised the client’s profile on Google My Business, since it’s a local company, having the potential to attract customers this way.
  • We’ve set up a conversion measurement.
  • We’ve tweaked internal linking so that everything pointed to the important entry pages.

You can see the organic traffic growth on the first graph shown below. The second graph represents an increase in keywords which make the website more searchable. The data come from Ahrefs.

Case study: Permanent make-up studio in Prague. Increasing search engine traffic from 43 to 6685 people per month obrázek 1


Are you also active in beauty and cosmetics?

Let’s talk about how to beat your competitors online and get more clients from search engines.


  • After analysing the links of our client’s competitors, we’ve outlined a plan for obtaining the most useful of them. Gradually, we’ve managed to win them for our client.
  • We’ve found more authority domains suitable for publishing thematic articles which contain backlinks.
  • We’ve left comments in relevant forum discussions with the purpose of luring in more end customers.
  • We’ve registered the website in company / web listings to strengthen local ties and to diversify the link profile.

The graphs shown below indicate the rise of referential domains and websites linking to the client’s web (the data come from Ahrefs).Case study: Permanent make-up studio in Prague. Increasing search engine traffic from 43 to 6685 people per month obrázek 3

The result

By 31. 1. 2019, the organic traffic at website has reached 6685 people during the past month. We’ve managed to reach this result for a new website within 14 months of minimum budget SEO management.

Case study: Permanent make-up studio in Prague. Increasing search engine traffic from 43 to 6685 people per month obrázek 5

As evidenced by the graph posted below, 97.13 % of the total traffic comes from the search engines.

Case study: Permanent make-up studio in Prague. Increasing search engine traffic from 43 to 6685 people per month obrázek 7

We’ll improve the performance of your website too

Don’t hesitate to find out what we can do for you in terms of traffic and conversions. Indicative analysis and offer are for free!

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