Content Sprint

The purpose of a content sprint is to find suitable keywords for your website, covering each of the stages of the so-called marketing funnel.

Based on these keywords, we will formulate a plan for creating the ‌content which will satisfy both the search engines and the searchers themselves.

How can we help your business?

What Will Our Content Sprint Bring You

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It will discover the “gaps” in your keywords

Our SEO agency has its own keyword analysis tools at its disposal. These tools compare your keywords and phrases with those of your competitors.

We will find our whether there aren’t any “gaps” and missed opportunities for further content creation.

It will identify content topics to aim at

Once we know the keywords, we will split them into thematic units and suggest an appropriate content type and form.

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It will advise you what to do with the content further 

We will prepare a detailed plan of further actions as a calendar. In it, you will find instructions on which content to create and when.

It will help you write better copy

A part of our sprint are also content briefs, which will give you all the ‌directions for content creation, should you decide to do your copywriting.

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How Much Will This Sprint Cost?

If you order a larger volume of pages, we can provide a quantity discount, thus lowering your average cost per page.

You can then write the texts yourself based on our assignment, or have them written by our copywriters. Copywriting is an additional service that is paid for separately, again depending on the volume of the text.

We will craft content that makes your target customers tick. Let’s talk about the specifics your website needs the most to maximize your sales.

Look At How We’ve Fared In Other Projects

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Why Do You Need Content In Marketing?

Getting a page to one of the TOP positions for highly searched commercial keywords is a very lengthy process. Especially for new domains. The price of SEO in such cases is often disproportionate to its results.

But you can create content and achieve good ranking for keywords that are often overlooked, yet still have a great potential for your business.

There is an immense amount of such words, and you can freely expand the content based on them – and with it, expand the reach of your website..

With useful, informative content, you become an industry authority. You can use it to reach your audience on social networks. It can also naturally gain backlinks for you, which you can then follow up with targeted link building.

Remember that the marketing funnel has many stages before the final purchase. By purposefully building quality content, you can cover them all and move your potential clients and customers through each stage proportionally.

The Keyword Marketing Funnel For Your Campaign


Attention-grabbing content addresses general, viral topics, such as “10 reasons why energy prices are so high.”


At this stage, we still aim for general but more thematically relevant content to what you offer. An example can be “pluses and minuses of heat pumps”.


In this phase, we build content around industry-specific topics and keywords, such as “how to get a heat pump subsidy”.


The aim of this phase will be to cover topics that are customer specific. For example, “installing a heat pump in an old cottage”.


Here we are already targeting your main keywords for specific product pages, your homepage, etc. So, for example, “XY heat pumps”, “heat pump for a heritage building” etc.

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The Customers Our Content Helped In Succeeding

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A sprint is basically a highly concentrated work on one of the pillars of an SEO campaign, in this case content. Where it would take others several months to write texts for example, we can do the same work (while maintaining the same quality) in just a few weeks.

No, we don’t. We’ll get the job done and that’s it. You know exactly what you paid for. No flat rates for SEO services with little transparency.
Each sprint is a completely separate service with specific deliverables. However, if you want your content to reach as much of your target audience as possible, or perhaps you’d like to promote an e-shop with many products you will almost certainly require additional sprints. However, it’s up to you whether to order them or not.
Záleží na tom, kolik obsahu už na vašem webu je a jaké přináší výsledky i na vaší ochotě k dalším investicím tak, abyste pokryli skutečně všechna vhodná témata. Ideální počet sprintů pro vaše účely projednáme při společné konzultaci.
The price of the content sprint depends on the number of texts ordered. The minimum number is 10 texts. When ordering a larger quantity we can offer you more favorable prices.
Let’s talk about the content of your web. Is it perfect as it is?

Or are there more opportunities for it to bring you traffic and sales? Find out during our free consultation.

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